Senin, 24 November 2014

Prepared Motions MASTER 2014!

Hi High School debaters!

Here are the prepared motions for MASTER 2014 :

1. THBT it’s not within Catalans’ interest to secede from Spain
2. As the United States of America , THW end mutual defense treaty with Japan
3. In times of severe outbreak (e.g. Ebola), THW compel all countries to financially contribute for the cure research.
1. THBT Indonesia should aggressively invest in Nuclear Energy
2. THW regrets the special autonomy system
3. THBT Indonesia should adopt aggressive free market policies

Don’t forget to register your team,
Happy Researching and see you in Malang !

A-core MASTER 2014
Haris Apriyanto (UB)
FrankyYendiana (UM)
Bagus Satrio Diharjo (Polinema)

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