Selasa, 16 Desember 2014

Prepared Motions MNDC 2014

Hello Varsity Debaters !
Representing the A-Core, I'd like to launch the prepared motions of Malang Newbies Debate Competition (MNDC) 2014

International Relations
1. TH, as European Union, should give sanctions to Hungary
2. According to UU No.45 , Year 2009 concerning on Fisheries, TH as Jokowi should not put an extreme stance in interpreting it's article upon offensively attacking the intruders of Indonesia's Maritime Territory (New Wording)
3. THBT the most recent drawdown of NATO Force in Afghanistan should be undone

1. THBT US should not sign The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
2. THBT Obama’s Immigration Policy targeting at illegal immigrants is not a good economic strategy
3. In Developing Countries, TH would require companies to have a minimum percentage of employees without college/undergraduate degrees in their core functions

1. In the case of small countries which are critically threatened by the rising of sea-water level as a result of climate change, THBT Developed countries within proximity with the small countries should provide them new territory
2. TH Believes in buffet option of cutting emissions in COP20
3. As African countries, THW give incentives to NGO who are willing to help fixing their critical soil problems

Happy Researching.

ACore MNDC 2014
Muhammad Fajar Shiddiq Adjam (UB)
Nurlailatul Hidayah (UM)
Muhammad Afdhal Anugrah A (UB)

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